Mohsen Motamedian is the CEO of Total Nutricare LLC, a successful vitamin and supplement business. Since 2008, Mr. Motamedian has been involved in all aspects of the company, including marketing, sales, purchasing, and distribution. Under Mohsen Motamedian's guidance, the website has become a top destination for consumers seeking a personalized, holistic plan to maximize their health. The Total Nutricare service includes a personalized client evaluation by trained professionals who assess each person's individual needs via blood chemistry analysis and other methods. Total Nutricare then develops a unique list of recommended supplements tailored to the client's personal biometrics.
In his duties as CEO, Mohsen Motamedian works hard to stay up-to-date regarding the latest news and developments in the holistic health field. He attends many conferences and conventions all around the world in order to anticipate coming trends in the industry and plan ahead for Total Nutricare's continued relevance and success. Within the last few years, Mohsen Motamedian has represented his company at such events as the International Congress in Aesthetic, Anti-Aging Medicine, the Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition, and MEPLAST 2009. His efforts have helped establish a presence for Total Nutricare in the health and beauty care world.
Before coming to work for Total Nutricare, Mohsen Motamedian studied at California State University, Long Beach, where he developed an interest in medicine and earned his Bachelor of Science in electrical and electronics engineering with an emphasis on biomedical engineering. He worked in Internet marketing and explored an interest in real estate before coming to his present position. Mr. Motamedian's interests outside of work are varied, including charitable support for the works of the Autism Society and the Child Foundation. Outdoors, he enjoys skiing and hiking. His other hobbies and interests range from news and current affairs to automobiles and airplanes. He enjoys travel and cinema.
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